Advanced Lab Testing at WellcomeMD

At WellcomeMD, we believe that advanced lab testing is a powerful tool for understanding your health and getting the personalized care you need. Our commitment to cutting-edge technology ensures that our members have access to the latest diagnostic advancements, helping to identify health risks early and create proactive treatment plans.

Why Choose Advanced Lab Testing?

Advanced lab testing provides valuable insights into your health, allowing for early detection, personalized treatment, and effective progress tracking. With these tests, you can:

  • Identify hidden health issues: Many conditions, such as chronic fatigue, autoimmune disorders, and gut health problems, can go undiagnosed for years. Advanced testing can uncover these issues early.

  • Receive personalized treatment: Once the root cause of your health concerns is identified, your WellcomeMD physician can create a tailored treatment plan.

  • Monitor progress: Regular testing helps track the effectiveness of treatments and adjust them as needed for optimal health outcomes.

If you're serious about your health, we encourage you to talk to your doctor about advanced lab testing.

Advanced Lab Testing Options

Screening for multiple cancers is now possible with Galleri®

With a single blood test, the Galleri multi-cancer early detection test screens for a cancer signal and predicts the tissue type or organ associated with the signal with one simple blood draw. The Galleri test screens for a signal shared by 50+ cancers, including fast-spreading, aggressive cancers that don't show symptoms, in early stages with a single blood test.

By adding the Galleri test to your cancer screening plan, you can increase your chance of finding cancer early. Here’s how it works:

Why the need for multi-cancer early detection?

Currently, only five types of cancer - colorectal, lung (for those at risk), breast, cervical, and prostate - have recommended screening tests that can identify cancer earlier.

Around 70% of cancer deaths are caused by cancers without recommended screening options. When cancer is caught early, before it has time to spread, the overall 5-year-cancer-specific survival rate is 4x higher than when cancer is diagnosed late.

Adding Galleri, a multi-cancer early detection test, to your cancer screenings allows you to go beyond what’s currently possible. Now you can screen for more than 50 types of cancer.

Who is Galleri for?

Did you know that cancer risk increases for everyone as they age regardless of family history. In fact, adults over the age of 50 are 13 times more likely to have cancer.

The Galleri test is recommended for adults with an elevated risk for cancer, and those aged 50 or older.

  • The Galleri test is not recommended in individuals who are pregnant, undergoing active cancer treatment or anyone 21 years old or younger.

  • The Galleri test is available by prescription only.

  • Talk to you WellcomeMD physician today to determine whether the test is right for you.

Talk to your WellcomeMD physician today to determine if the Galleri test is right for you.

Measure plaque build-up in the heart’s arteries with the Cleerly scan

Did you know every 1.7 seconds, a person dies from cardiovascular disease?

Cleerly measures atherosclerosis - plaque build-up in the heart’s arteries, offering personalized analysis and treatment of heart disease.

What is a Cleerly heart scan analysis?

The Cleerly analysis is a thorough evaluation of the presence, amount, and type of plaque in the heart’s arteries based on a heart scan, called a coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA). The Cleerly scan can help facilitate early diagnosis, informed decision-making, and personalized treatment and tracking of coronary heart disease.

The results of the Cleerly analysis give a patient and their doctor a clear understanding of how much plaque (and which types) are in the arteries. This can be used by providers to assess the patient’s risk for heart attack and to provide personalized treatment recommendations, such as lifestyle changes and medication.

Cleerly’s approach is based on over 10 million images from over 40,000 patients gathered over a 15-year-period in landmark, multi-center clinical trials.

Why the need for early detection?

  • 50% of people who suffer a heart attack will do so without experiencing symptoms

  • 70% of heart attack victims are considered low risk by traditional methods of assessing heart disease

  • 75% of lesions responsible for heart attacks only cause mild narrowing of the arteries and are missed by conventional stress testing

Here are some of the advanced lab tests we offer:

  • Hormone testing: Hormone imbalances can cause a variety of health problems, including fatigue, weight gain, mood swings, and hair loss. Advanced hormone testing can help you identify and correct hormone imbalances.

  • Toxicity testing: Exposure to toxins, such as heavy metals and pesticides, can damage your health. Advanced toxicity testing can help you identify toxins in your body and get rid of them safely.

  • Microbiome testing: Your gut microbiome is made up of trillions of bacteria that play a vital role in your health. Advanced microbiome testing can help you identify imbalances in your gut microbiome and restore balance.

  • Genetic testing: Your genes play a role in many health conditions. Advanced genetic testing can help you identify genetic mutations that may be contributing to your health problems.

Who should take the Cleerly scan?

Cleerly is available for individuals who have symptoms of heart disease or believe they are at risk of coronary artery disease, but do not have symptoms.

If you are currently exhibiting chest pain, current guidelines recommend CCTA as a test for evaluation of chest pain. Cleerly is a new heart test and is not fully covered by insurance. Please talk to your WellcomeMD provider today to determine if the Cleerly scan is right for you.

Second Opinion Pathology Consultations with MDAnderson

Cancer treatment therapies are advancing rapidly. Tissue biopsy is not only necessary in confirming a cancer diagnosis but also plays a critical role in determining the most appropriate treatment. The pathologist’s evaluation of the tissue is pivotal to ensuring you have the best opportunity for survival. In certain situations, you may need a second opinion or second review of the biopsy. One option is a second opinion pathology consultation through one of the top cancer treatment centers in the US, MDAnderson. 

Getting a second opinion can help you choose the most effective treatment.

MD Anderson has experts in a wide range of cancer subspecialties, including:

  • Breast

  • Dermatopathology

  • Gastrointestinal

  • Genitourinary

  • Gynecologic

  • Head and neck

  • Neuropathology

  • Bone and soft tissue

  • Thoracic

WellcomeMD physicians and staff will help facilitate this process for you. If the need arises, please discuss this option with your WellcomeMD physician.

Additional Advanced Testing Options

Hormone Testing

Imbalances in hormones can contribute to fatigue, mood swings, weight gain, and hair loss. Advanced hormone testing helps identify and correct these imbalances.

Toxicity Testing

Exposure to environmental toxins like heavy metals and pesticides can impact overall health. Our advanced toxicity tests help identify and mitigate these risks.

Microbiome Testing

The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in digestion and immune function. Advanced microbiome testing can detect imbalances and help restore optimal gut health.

Genetic Testing

Understanding your genetic predispositions can guide personalized healthcare decisions. Our genetic tests can identify mutations linked to various health conditions, helping tailor prevention and treatment strategies.

To learn more about our advanced lab testing services, contact WellcomeMD today. We can help you understand your health and find the best treatment options for you.

The WellcomeMD Concierge Experience

  • Discover the power of a personal relationship with your primary care physician while never compromising on preventative medical advances and technology.

    • WellcomeMD physicians have less than half the number of patients as a typical concierge physician… which means that we always have time for you.

    • Consider the cost of avoiding a preventable disease, the value of early detection of serious health problems, and ready access to a doctor who knows you.

    • Individualized care with a comprehensive, proactive approach to your personal health.

    • Appointments focused on your needs and preferences – not a billing code.

    • From unhurried, 30-minute consultations to video conference appointments, or just a quick call or text – you choose.

    • Accessibility to physician grade supplements, as recommended by your WellcomeMD physician.