What is Concierge Medicine? A New Approach to Healthcare

What is Concierge Medicine? A New Approach to Healthcare

You may have heard of "membership medicine," "retainer medicine," or a "concierge medical practice" in the news or from friends, and wondered about it. Unlike many aspects of medical care, this subject is not at all complex. This increasingly popular form of primary care — family care — works. And, if it is available in your community, why you might consider it as an option.

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WellcomeMD Featured in Future of Healthcare Article

WellcomeMD Featured in Future of Healthcare Article

Yesterday's Richmond Times Dispatch features our founder, Linda Nash.

“Because of the extra time and the extra research, the doctors are going to be thorough, they’re going to be connected to the patient, and there’s a lot of research that shows that the better your connection with your doctor, the better the outcome,” Nash said.
... With one in three adults battling high blood pressure, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, such accountability can make a world a difference for patients.

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WellcomeMD Expands Richmond Concierge Medical Practice with a Second Physician - Mary Frazier Colfer, M.D.

WellcomeMD Expands Richmond Concierge Medical Practice with a Second Physician - Mary Frazier Colfer, M.D.

Accommodating demand for an integrative and proactive approach to concierge medical care

RICHMOND (PRWEB) March 07, 2018 - Dr. Mary Colfer joined Dr. Neal Carl at the West End offices of WellcomeMD on March 1 to accommodate the demand for an integrative and proactive approach to concierge medical care.

"The response for a highly personalized approach to concierge care has surpassed our expectations," CEO Linda Nash said. "Dr. Colfer's arrival will allow us to keep pace and maintain small patient panels -- a critical component of delivering this level of care."

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WellcomeMD Featured on WTVR

WellcomeMD Featured on WTVR

"Cutting edge genetic testing is changing how doctors prescribe treatment - Dr. Neal Carl shares about the importance of concierge care practices like WellcomeMD. Concierge care allows time for more personalized care and proactive nutrition and fitness coaching." - WTVR

Watch the video here.

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Safeguard Your Health While On Vacation

Safeguard Your Health While On Vacation

Before embarking on a long trip, travel medicine and travel risk management should be on the agenda. If you plan to go abroad -- or even to plenty of places in the U.S. -- a comprehensive, unhurried conversation with your doctor is definitely called for.

A pre-travel consultation includes prevention of infections, prescribed medications to bring in case of emergency, and coping with hazardous terrain, for starters.

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Zika Season Is Never Over

Zika Season Is Never Over

The Zika story will take a while to unfold in the Chicago area, but you should be aware of a couple of important things now.

One is that the hazards are only for particular individuals and circumstances. No epidemic looms here. But for those who could be affected, it's a serious concern. 1.3 million travelers from Zika-affected countries debarked in Chicago during the most recently tallied year.

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