Pickleball Fever: Why Seniors Are More Prone to Injuries

Pickleball Fever: Why Seniors Are More Prone to Injuries

Pickleball has exploded in popularity, captivating players of all ages. However, the epidemiology of pickleball injuries differs somewhat from other similar sports. With other racket sports, the majority sprains and strains occur in players younger than 40, holding a stark contrast with the average age of players with a clinically reported injury from playing pickleball being 66 years of age.

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Quick Tips to Achieve Healthier Eating Habits

Quick Tips to Achieve Healthier Eating Habits

By making conscious choices and incorporating wholesome ingredients into your diet, you can fuel your body effectively while supporting your fitness goals. Our Richmond health coach, Gregory Anthony has pulled together a list of small list of quick tips and resources to help you incorporate small ways to optimize your nutrition.

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How WellcomeMD helps ease the primary care crisis

How WellcomeMD helps ease the primary care crisis

Americans have fewer and fewer family medicine or internal medicine doctors to turn to, and the problem is accelerating. WellcomeMD, as a membership-based medical practice, has a special contribution to make, by offering those who have a strong interest in their health an alternative: patient-focused rather than production-focused medicine, made possible by a radically smaller group of patients per doctor. 

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Sun Safety

Sun Safety

Sunlight gets a bad reputation, but the truth is we all need sunlight to survive. There are many benefits to getting a little bit of sunlight every day to support Vitamin D production, boost serotonin, and even improve sleep quality. But spending excessive amounts of time in the sun increase your chance of sunburn and skin cancer. If you plan on spending more than 30 minutes outside you should cover up or wear sunscreen or sunblock.

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Black women and heart health risks

Black women and heart health risks

Among young and middle-aged black women, the disparities are glaring. Compared to white women, black women exhibit more risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD), develop CVD earlier, and are more likely to die from CVD. And despite the overall decline in mortality rates from CVD over the last few years, black women 35-54 years of age are not experiencing the same rate of decline.

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5 Tips for Developing a Health Routine

5 Tips for Developing a Health Routine

Fad diets come and go. Viral news headlines seek to reveal the key to longevity. The truth is, living a healthy life isn’t about making one tweak that will solve all your issues. Being the healthiest version of yourself is about developing a routine that you can repeat day in and day out.

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